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Thema: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

  1. #111

    Re: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

    "Sonthi: I'm coming home

    Former coup chief Sonthi Boonyaratkalin insisted on Saturday he will not seek political asylum in a foreign country to seek shelter from the pro-Thaksin Shinawatra People Power party (PPP).
    Gen Sonthi, Deputy Prime Minister in the lame-duck government, is to return to Thailand on Wednesday from a tour of the Middle East.
    He has been the subject of rumours that he intends to flee Thailand in fear of retaliation from pro-Thaksin politicians because he was behind the Sept 19, 2006, coup that unseated Mr Thaksin.
    He said he will hold a press conference after his return to Bangkok. The former junta chief has given no interviews since the Dec 23 election victory of PPP.
    The press conference will be held at Suvarnabhumi airport in the morning right after his landing, aides said." ... ?id=125471

    Nette Gerüchte.

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  2. #112

    Re: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

    War es vor 3 Jahren in Deutschland anders? Die grossen Parteien warfen sich gegenseitig Unvermoegen und Dummheit vor. Was in den letzten Jahren mit Spendenskandalen (Korruption) gelaufen ist; nicht der Rede wert.

    Letztendlich resultierte zwischen den Widersachern die grosse Koalition und jeder umarmte sich. Gut das Volk wollte es so.

    In Thailand hat auch die Mehrheit fuer 'diese Demokratie' gestimmt. Fuer mich aber erschreckend, dass Gebildete (Bachelor, Master) richtige Thaksinfanatiker sind und der PPP auch letztendlich zum Wahlsieg hielfen.

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  3. #113

    Re: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

    "Trial or protests

    Outgoing PM's Office minister Thirapat Serirangsan issued a scathing challenge to the new government on Friday: Put ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra on trial or face new street protests.
    He also warned the new government of Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej against granting an amnesty to Mr Thaksin, who was banned from politics for five years - along with 110 political allies - by the Constitution Tribunal last May.
    Defying current wisdom, he insisted the Sept 19, 2006, coup against Mr Thaksin was justified, even though his allies have swept back into power after elections in December.
    And the outgoing minister, who helped organise huge street rallies aginst the Thaksin government in 2006, defended the government he served, which is currently being criticised as ineffective and worse.
    "The military coup made a positive contribution to Thailand, which was not under democratic rule but under a democracy used for the benefit of capitalists," Mr Thirapat told reporters.
    "Today I declare myself the eternal enemy of anyone who exploits democracy by interfering in the judicial process, or in independent agencies such as the National Counter Corruption Commission.
    "People who love justice will rise up and our country will plunge into mutiny" unless the cases against Mr Thaksin proceed, he vowed.
    The ruling People Power party campaigned on a promise to seek amnesty for all 111 Thai Rak Thai party executives banned from politics, but have been more cautious since coming to power." ... ?id=125642

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  4. #114
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    Re: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

    Zitat Zitat von Monta
    "Today I declare myself the eternal enemy of anyone who exploits democracy by interfering in the judicial process, or in independent agencies such as the National Counter Corruption Commission.
    "People who love justice will rise up and our country will plunge into mutiny" unless the cases against Mr Thaksin proceed, he vowed.
    Diese Worte in Buddhas Namen!

    Hoffentlich hat der Mann nicht bald mal 'n Unfall...

    Der Innenminister ist Mr.Toxic's Schwager, der Justizminister....und von denen die verbannt wurden, sind engste Familienmitglieder wiedr im Rennen!

    Es wird keine "beschauliche Schlittenfahrt durch den Winterwald"!

    Wir werden Zeugen einer Urauffuehrung die wohl Seinesgleichen sucht!
    Das toppt dann nur noch ein Mugabe....

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  5. #115

    Re: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

    Viele Thais werden sich diese "Schlittenfahrt" nicht bieten lassen.
    Die Strassen werden schwarz vor Menschen sein.
    An das, was dann kommt, möchte ich besser nicht denken.
    Gab es aber schon mal, wenn auch in einem viel kleineren Ausmaß.

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  6. #116

    Re: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

    Da hat man schnell noch vorgebeugt.

    "Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej yesterday hit out at a new law which sharply curtailed the powers of the government leader and defence minister over reshuffling positions of military generals in the armed forces. He described the law, which took effect yesterday, as a move to ''slam the door in my face'', as he is set to take the helm as both prime minister and defence minister...."

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  7. #117

    Re: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

    Ablauf im Moment noch wie vorausgesagt.

    "CPD warns Govt of protests

    The Campaign for Popular Democracy Sunday called the Cabinet of Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, which has yet to be officially announced, a "puppet Cabinet" and warned it could soon face protests by four groups.
    CPD secretarygeneral Suriyasai Katasila said most Cabinet members would be nominees of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra or leaders of factions from the dissolved Thai Rak Thai (TRT) Party, who have been banned from politics for five years.
    These people would "pull strings" from outside Government House, he said.
    "The decision making will be mostly outside Government House - both inside and outside the country, unlike past Cabinets," Suriyasai said.
    "We see several Cabinet members will have to wait for orders from those who are in power."
    Suriyasai also warned that economic problems caused by populist policies of the former TRT regime as well as political woes could prompt the four groups to demonstrate against the government.
    He said the CPD believed the Samak coalition's term would be shorter than the Surayud government's because problems from past policies would emerge and bring it down.
    The government will definitely face strong protests if failed to find concrete measures to resolve problems within five months, he said...." ... 064314.php

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  8. #118

    Re: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

    (Phommel bitte nicht hier lesen)

    Und wieder mal eine Strosse mehr auf der Leiter der Voraussehbarkeit.
    Nein, es sind mehrere Sprossen. Die Jungs legen ja mit einer unglaublichen Dreistigkeit ein unglaubliches Tempo vor.
    Nee, unglaublich ist es gar nicht.

    "Amnesty for Thaksin in two years - maybe

    New Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej told his first press conference today he may consider giving amnesty to ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra - but not for at least years.
    Samak admitted before the December 23 poll that he was a proxy for Thaksin, who faces corruption charges if he returns to Thailand.
    But the premier, shortly after he and his cabinet were sworn in as the country's 57th cabinet, appeared to be talking about a five-year political ban on Mr Thaksin and 110 former executives of Thai Rak Thai, the party he founded.
    "If the political climate is good and... if more than half of the 111 want it, then once the government has been in power for two years (we) will do it," he said of the proposed amnesty.
    "But if there are complaints about it, we will stop," he added....." ... ?id=125770

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  9. #119

    Re: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

    Ich sehe die Menschen in Thailand im Moment (zumindest in den Landesteilen, in denen man den Begriff "Demokratie" der richtigen Bedeutung zuordnen kann) in einer Art willenloser Agonie gegen aktuelle politische Ablaeufe. Die Jungs, mit denen ich so zu tun hab, die koennen einfach nicht glauben, was sie sehen.

    Samaks naechste Schritte werden sein, Ankauf der Politiker der Koalitionsparteien fuer die PPP, absolute Parlamentsmehrheit, Gleichschaltung der Medien, Rueckkehr von Taxin.

    Die Mehrheit der Nichtanalphabeten Bangkoks (es gibt hier auch jede Menge Isaaner) wird sich das kaum bieten lassen.

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  10. #120

    Re: Abhisit oder Samak, was meint ihr?

    Zitat Zitat von Dieter
    ...Die Jungs, mit denen ich so zu tun hab, die koennen einfach nicht glauben, was sie sehen...
    Verwunderlich und natürlich auch wieder nicht.
    Wenn man bedenkt, dass jede halbwegs interessierte und informierte Langnase dieses jetzt ablaufende Szenario in allen Abstufen voraussagen konnte. Man kann es im siamonlie in diversen älteren Beiträgen nachlesen.

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