Pitsanuluk : Mönch zusammen mit Hund & Infarkt hinter Tempel aufgefunden

In Pitsanuluk wurde ein 65 jähriger Mönch nach einem Infarkt zusammen mit einer trächtigen Hündin in eiiner komprimitierenden Position hinter dem Tempel aufgefunden.

Anwohner wurden auf den Vorfall durch das Heulen der Hündin aufmerksam und riefen die Polizei.

Neben dem Mönch wurde eine Flasche Spülmittel gefunden, welche dieser wohl als Gleitmittel benutzte um mit der Hündin "Sex" haben zu können.

Eigene Anmerkung :

Die Hündin war bereits trächtig, d.h. es stellt sich nun die Frage, ob der Nachwuchs eventuell im Rahmen eines Experimentes einen Mönch mit einem Hund zu kreuzen stammt :shock:

Quelle : Phuket Gazette / Thai Rat

Canine caper leaves cleric in coma

PITSANULOKE: An errant monk was caught in a compromising position on November 5 after he suffered a stroke while having sex with a temple dog behind Sam Toei Temple in Wat Thong District.

Villagers were drawn to the scene by the howls of protest from the dog, which the monk had lashed to a tree.

After seeing the monk in flagrante delicto with the heavily pregnant Thai Bangkaew dog, villagers called the police.

By the time officers arrived on the scene, the excitement had obviously been too much for the 65-year-old monk to take.

He was found lying unconscious next to the animal. A bottle of dishwashing liquid was found next to the monk, presumably for use as a makeshift lubricant.

Rescuers rushed the monk to hospital, where he remains in a coma. Doctors said he had suffered a stroke and are not sure if he will survive.

The cleric was identified in Thailand’s best-selling daily newspaper as Phrapan Chitutasaro,

The abbot of Wat Sam Toei, Phramali Dhamachantho, said Phrapan had been at the temple for only a few days.

Temple authorities were preparing to ask him to leave because he had refused to provide references from his former temple.

Police did not say what Phrapan would be charged with if he regains consciousness.