"Sonthi does not rule out coup if PPP wins poll

(BangkokPost.com) - Coup leader Sonthi Boonyaratkalin did not rule out the possibility of a coup d'etat if the People Power party (PPP), comprised mostly of former members of the now-defunct Thai Rak Thai party won the majority of votes in the Dec 23 election.

"It is a future matter that we shall have to wait and see," Deputy Prime Minister Sonthi said when he was asked whether a coup will be staged if PPP gets to form a new government.

He also countered PPP leader Samak Sundaravej's statement that the party's victory will mean ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra was right all along, saying that the court is the only one to decide whether Mr Thaksin committed any wrongdoing.

Meanwhile, acting chairman of the Council for National Security (CNS) Chalit Phukphasuk said the CNS is not worried if Mr Samak brings back Mr Thaksin's regime if his party wins the election.

Under a democratic system, people will decide what is good for the country, he said.

Gen Chalit, also chief of air force, insisted the CNS and the military will maintain politically neutral and will not get involved in politics in any way."
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